While Altieri Blas, the mayor of Pinamar, wants to kill this summer because it assumes that there will be more Villa Soldati tents in Cariló ; Macri is not silly, is developing a new theme park to displace Holy Land. You can not deny that it is a peaceful solution.
The idea is to build something like a Jurassic Park . More like a Stone Age Park. Agree that the curiosity of seeing people who are pre-capitalist, from a broad time-span between the Quaternary and Feudalism - on TV not tied with the possibility of seeing them in person.
Now we are summoning chemical baths by court order (a friend who read me by chance from somewhere on this planet, who came accidentally and you do not have a friend or acquaintance or Argentina, I repeat: The Justice ordered Argentina chemical toilets are placed and they provide drinking water and food to a group of people occupying a public park with a desire and intent to stay and live in it.)
Meanwhile, just the weekend is scheduled arrival of the first Sanguchito crumbs, the little juices of orange and sunscreens. At the end of only after asking for a "piece of land and a house", like millions of Argentines. Eye. Clarify that they want me to give away anything. What is a house? nothing.
not want to be hard. I admit I may not know where they are. But I sure do not believe they are at home, as some hotheads. In his country, shit shot lead and then make off their dogs to be the ballast and then eaten by dogs. And although the landscape invite to the conclusion that the images come from refugee camps in Palestine or outside Darfur is happening in the Federal District of Argentina .

operated for the 2010/2011 season
Boom presumes another summer.
lost to the government. This did not happen with the dead. It is perhaps from the excitement of the mission the International Monetary Fund , having closed more lucrative agreements and guarantees granted to the English monopolies that they can continue to thrive in these plains and the celebrations of the three years of "management" (?) of Morticia, thought they could hurt Macri. Not that I do not have streets or suburbs, or even see Police in Action.
If anything amalgam to Argentina society, which unites the poor, the middle class and high (not including the fringe) is the idea of \u200b\u200bproperty rights, to study, work as an engine of progress and family as container-giving meaning to existence. Moreover, the hope for progress is the one that avoids civil war.
The major complaints of racism, xenophobia and hatred occur in the deep suburbs. Where from time to time he burned the house to Paraguay (the only one working in square blocks) that sucked and it was the hand. Or Bolivian strive not only the grocery store but that shit with sticks to babies and you step on the fruit before you leave. And what about the hatred and resentment towards the Chinese supermarket. Racism is the child of ignorance and xenophobia of proximity. I do not understand then how could those who have the luck of fate or geographic fatalism was not born by those margins, to be racist or xenophobic.
is, the Nac & Popó lose votes and adhesions between the urban middle classes and between middle and poor class of the whole country and especially the Gran Buenos Aires . Neither could Nestor complete their self-destruction so finished. Too bad that is not among us to suffer.
This country is open and needs people to come to work, because let's face it, if something is missing in this blessed land is people working. Although we do not like to see someone progress through hard work, study and personal sacrifice, not like us (by our Judeo-Christian concept) that the money generates more money, it's all we have left. Today for an impoverished fund with a wife and three or four kids, it takes nine to eleven monotributistas. So to get to laburar, who then complain.
Moreover, avísenles those who are putting the bags in cum neighboring countries for the weekend, if anything left over here are lice. We have three of each ten Argentines in poverty and one in poverty. Until we have killed themselves as indigenous Formosa who had the chutzpah to want to reach the river by a field intruder for a friend of the governor Gildo Insfran . We also have a boy friend that a government gang punctured his liver and sent him to the cemetery Avellaneda. Why would dead then you have to send them by plane?
batteries is that they put the redistribution, but missed. Among whom were busy, which gave the monopolies and we fail to win by idiots, is over. Now we have Garpa the Paris Club . The alleged Model is a decision only taking the start micro tickets, and as we all know the Argentines, the tickets go when you have to pay all the nonsense we buy on credit (with the Amex Gold or Orange Card ) because fart is to save for a home under these conditions is unattainable.

As soon as he sees how cool, I write for luck, not because I'm interested too this clash of civilizations, but because this Sunday the Click, if you do things, you can go first. If you, dear reader, you have a club, the envy is forgiven, but if you do not have a preference, hacete Pincharrata, googles Estudiantes, Get interested, I guarantee you happiness, pride, belonging and mysticism to be and feel different.
World Champions DNA

Things as they are

boludeando Journal found this World of La Paz, Bolivia, today, December 11, 2010. Among the detainees are illegal Argentine passengers could be deported in the coming hours ...
Link to the note. (Evo trash, you're a dictatorship. Ha ha! What I sing Macri)
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