"Everything is made to convert the heretics is Grace."
(Nicolau Eimeric, General Catholic Order of Santo Domingo. S. XIV.)
The protagonist was but it was not. Unlike Juan Domingo Perón that through glass, people could see or support his hand, Nestor Kirchner more symbolic than ever, allowing only guess. "Everything is made to convert the heretics is Grace."
(Nicolau Eimeric, General Catholic Order of Santo Domingo. S. XIV.)
Causes may be many or none. The more close to reality it may be impossible to have had time and expertise to preserve the corpse. But nevertheless, are prevented from seeing the body lying Warrior. Check that it was no longer of this world.

The truth is that the organization decided that the character was her. That the eyes posing on which they live. The link was limited to Speaker's touch the coffin and not the dead. Eros and Thanatos in an inevitable tension mediated by the warm polished wood, further enhancing the hand that leads to the rest of us on this side.
natural force of attraction vital in the fight against the kingdom of shadows was combined and intertwined, but as the theory of instinct in Freud and Jung's archetype funerals are a symbol of the failure of love as that the principle of death is ever triumphant.
The most striking images we presented the official transmission is overshadowed by the dramatic strengthening with people who were presented as spontaneous but then, like everything, it emerged that were planted specifically to fulfill the role of strengthening communication. The assumption that rural producer shouted that there had been shots hectares, was neither more nor less than a partner Guillermo Moreno in a feedlot of 20 000 head of cattle in mortars. Or the baritone who sang the Ave Maria brother Tristan Bauer and national official. But suppose this is not as critical. This is what had to be done.
Here, secondarization of the main figure of the deceased was even greater. Like screaming into the world of the dead who had not triumphed. Running of the hour, the coffin became covered with flags, scarves Mothers of Plaza de Mayo , aboriginal crafts and other objects that sank in the dark over the role of the protagonist. Remember for example that only Peron's coffin was covered by the flag of Argentina and its saber-General of the Republic. That of Ricardo Alfonsin by the flags of the country and the Radical Civic Union and a bouquet of red roses at the end.

The cries of the interns, heartbreaking at first, like any cry of pain and helplessness, and repetitive, eventually playing counterproductive, because, remember here, the ceremony was put together for those who follow him on television and if the hearings are renewed according to the time zone, abusive rang. Because nobody likes to scream to eight feet away or you are in our TV. The screaming, then there were more geared towards the former president.
pain when no pain can be prosecuted as poisoning the carrier ends. Very human and understandable. But the inability to rationally understand what happened, awakens primitive and unruly emotions such as anger, mood and swearing revenge, the guilty finding on a fact of nature, biology and the protagonist's death instincts.
The prevailing discourse of the mourners seemed to believe that the former president was killed in a treacherous and cowardly attack and not for reasons that were known in advance and which was himself and his environment, all responsible.
The claim of respect for those who did not accompany his pain mingled with the orders he died Cobos, Duhalde and Magnetto , including sworn enemies. The demand that respect and support in pain, in some extreme cases it reminded one of the most breathtaking and unforgiving political and historical errors of Peronism (and of that 60 years later we still allocate responsibility): Imposition of mourning for the death of Eva Duarte .

Complaints against the hatred expressed by the society, including TV programs officer were merely psychological projection of what they felt. The hate that we have. Because otherwise you should assume that we are dealing with people so naive to believe that his death could magically become all in Kirchner. As studios seek to have us believe own opinion rather than a professional grocer. We live
influenced by the unconscious urge to die or become death instincts not to accept much to our regret, we're going to do someday. In turn, this unacceptable situation holds the logical impossibility of recognition. Since fear is but a mild form of pain. But there is a final and most terrifying fear still, that pain never goes away and there is born helpless and irrational hatred.
already in the procession that took him to to the Airpark, the focus of the official image was Cristina car and not wearing a Kirchner. Disdained the gun carriage that dragged almost all of the Argentine president since 1902, we used a covered wagon that was hidden even more by leading the way to their final destination.
is known that the theatrical approach was in charge of Brute Force, the company that organized the celebration of the Bicentennial . It is also known now that the management of chambers of the official transmission was handled by Sebastian Ortega . There, they joined the architectural aesthetic of the stage with the professionalization of the role-play in the reproduction of reality (which is always chosen).

game Exacerbation the Oedipus this particular relationship between politicians and citizens and between men and women of the circle. Is that without the father figure who "break" the relationship between mother and child provider, to set limits and establish the law, there is no other than the bewildered shelter in a system where supply and meeting their needs comes from who never say no.
The funeral was not designed or organized for the masses who came to see him off but for the hundreds of thousands who followed him on television. Just at the time of closing, in the epilogue of Kirchner's career that we knew, those left alive to surrender Empire of the transmitted image. It took many years to accept and succumb to the slogan that says we are not living a democracy of opinion mobilization but mediated. Although weeks ago marveled at the hundred thousand who take Hugo Moyano the court River.
According to official figures from the Casa Rosada own three thousand people an hour walked the hemicírculo to fire. 90 000 in the 30 hours they rested Balcarce 50. No doubt that could have been a million people if it had been proposed but the act was not created in that respect, but aspiring to enter the dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms of millions of Argentines. Left
for analysis if there was information overload. The point at which the audience stop paying attention and commitment make rejection. The truth is that upon transfer the sum of Rating between Cable TV and broadcast TV rose to 35.5 points. Far fewer of those who already are missing and still cry.

And death shall have no dominion.
Men who die will decide
with only one man in the wind and the moon in the west;
when bones are clean and disperse,
they have stars at elbow and foot;
but remain sane go mad,
Though they sink through the sea to rise again,
Though lovers be lost, love will not disappear;
and death have no dominion.
Men who die will decide
with only one man in the wind and the moon in the west;
when bones are clean and disperse,
they have stars at elbow and foot;
but remain sane go mad,
Though they sink through the sea to rise again,
Though lovers be lost, love will not disappear;
and death have no dominion.
Dylan Thomas And Death Shall Have Dominion the
Now comes the stage in the construction of the myth, that gives meaning and organic to the political importance of the legacy of Néstor Kirchner.
said the blind will see.
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