Some of the Argentina Groncha dies every time a dog garronero, fed Alpo official threatens, swears revenge or insults and we look the other way. More anger because what gives is that not even reach the category of Merse. They stay in the role of hobos thought. If the 90 was out buying a remise or wear a parripollo now is file the papers to enter the ANSES , the Ministry of Interior or PAMI.
How nice that some guys who belong to a government that failed in 3 years to implement and the UP on public transport we are likely to deepen the "model" and that at that depth does not include us. Anyway, they are very angry and I understand. Someone has to Garpa the inexplicable situation of having lost the driver of love against hate.

state work for the happiness of the people and the greatness of the Nation
Faced with threats of unreason is my cry for freedom:
Unit companions, who all want to live here not working!
As things continue like this, I'm thinking about going to live in another country. A San Luis , for example. Never mind that the contreras say there is no freedom of press in the Adolfo land and Alberto . If three years ago I do not read newspapers.
My friend Ricardo J . already caulking the dinghy to flee to Montevideo , following the track of Esteban Echeverría and José Marmol, but since Ensenada. Has a map of the buoys and distance of the YPF tankers and is known times Naval Prefecture .
But for now, hope to get a pair of rubber boats and become a boat, waiting for the stud on the beaches of The sloop in Berisso , to overcome the hard and bitter exile. O crossing from Quiaca to Villazón. to enter the Indian Socialist Paradise of pobrerista Bolivia. That is like here, but no running water or WiFi.
For the Greeks, the exile was one of the finest ways to kill a citizen in life. And that it could dig teaching classes and raising goats. But for us it's an uphill battle because of the lack of skills we must add the lack of willpower. Those
have some recourse may be the Buquebus and leave print, not on a rock in the Quebrada de Zonda (Gringo thanks for the clarification!), as did Domingo Sarmiento your "Barbarians, ideas not be killed ", but at the door of a bathroom in the river station something like" beasts, if they could buy because they gave for wanting to kill us? ".
That's what harder. Admit that even tried to buy us, seduce us, make us the head, get in doubt, make us falter. Lay the fraternal arm, explaining how wrong we were. But no, did the easiest, as all of us.
We ran with the most simple truth: We are not viable. What might work in another country other than the Argentina ? That is the harsh reality. Only in the breadbasket of the world can live well without working, no job and no expectations.
We can make a big Champions League and put together a group cumbia, but Uruguay is already full of it. The myth that the Uruguayans are Argentine cults is giving to the little country's Peronist conurbation.
could also partying for the old continent, forming a group to play Andean music in the subways. Although there is a risk that you throw away three liters of gasoline and you ignite. And while death is not the same fire in Hamburg that Rastrojero hit by a 74 which freight in Route 3, at the height of Laferrere , it is difficult to risk everything for the chimera to become Europe's .
Today's dream is to finish the Argentine migrants naked, drunk or drugged in a mansion in Tuscany and you empome Berlusconi. Since anyone can put Durlock and make a dental canal Spain. We do not need.

Nelson de la Rosa sent us this picture with their fingers in V
And the saddest thing is that we defeated an army of monotributistas of Power. Not Rozas and Cob. Is the circus of monkeys jumping from Aníbal Fernández. That is outrageous.
is hard but if we do not like, study and work. It is the only way of escaping from them and we do not need their gifts or their charity. Come
not too late to seek a newer world, as
dream sail beyond the sunset.
Although we have already
force that once moved heaven and earth,
who we are,
a constellation of heroic hearts,
weak by time and fate
but willing to fight
and seek and find and not to give .
not too late to seek a newer world, as
dream sail beyond the sunset.
Although we have already
force that once moved heaven and earth,
who we are,
a constellation of heroic hearts,
weak by time and fate
but willing to fight
and seek and find and not to give .
Alfred Tennyson
who kills chori chori to die.

's all for now, from this humble the tunnel resistance.
Hint: Do not run worse.
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