Today INICA the 32 edition of the International Book Fair of Palacio de Minería. Organized by the Faculty of Engineering of the UNAM.
From February 23 to March 6, 2011, in May Tacuba Historic Center, Mon-Fri 10-21 pm and Sat and Sun from 11 to 21 hours.
general cost $ 15 and $ 10 senior citizens, students, teachers and children under 6 years.
go that this is a good opportunity to approach the reading if you do not frequent. What a nice walk around this building is full of books and magazines, cultural activities and conferences. There are books for everyone and is a lie that reading is only for "geeks" and boring people. Here one can go through the books and browse the material that one would Intereco. Reading makes us more critical and reflective, we have a much better view of the world and also helps us improve our vocabulary and spelling.
What I want to buy at this show and recommend is:
1 .- Core Knowledge Encyclopedia.

that brings together 13 disciplines in 5 volumes, by the UNAM and Editorial Siglo XXI.
Volume 1: English Language and Literature
Volume 2: Philosophy, Social Sciences and Arts
Volume 3: History and Geography Volume
4: Chemistry, Biology and Health Sciences
Volume: 5: Mathematics, Physics and Computer
includes cd's interactive materials
costs $ 2200 but for administrative workers and $ 1000 for students of the UNAM with valid ID only $ 700. This promotion applies UNAM libraries, libraries of schools and administrative units. Would this apply to the fair.
2 .- Maize, stem curse

the January 9, 2011 I read in the Universal: Editorial JUS launches on sale printed version of the winners of the 1st national novel competition graph.
Corn started as a web comic since February 2009, and now will be available the printed version.
I like the work of Augusto Mora, credor of maize, since much of his work is based on Mexican folk traditions and mythology, for example the main character is based on the tradition of the Dance of the Tlacoloteros, Guerrero where people dress up as tigers, they wear masks and fighting with their chirrión.
Very original and beautiful art, that good works such as this are promoted.
For more information on the fair http://feria.mineria.unam.mx/

And on Feb. 24 begins the first edition of International Film Festival UNAM, until March 3.
Film screenings will UNAM, University Museum of Contemporary Art, Centro Cultural Tlatelolco Unviversitario Museum, Poplar, Acatlán FES and FES Aragón.
An interesting proposal to assess the independent film and know other things besides the commercial cinema, it is best that the ticket is only $ 30 and a 50% discount to the university community. Can not ask for more!
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