Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hemorrhoid Swollen Taint

Does the PAN win in 2012? Mystical

Reading this afternoon El Universal in an interview with Alonso Lujambio Secretary of the SEP, among many things said that the National Action Party will win the 2012 elections.

El Universal Sunday February 27, 2011, page A4, Natalia Gómez Quintero note

"I see in my game and I do not mean me but for my colleagues, the horse is strong: there are many candidates have very rich political backgrounds, are people of moral and political stature.
... there are definite advantages, in 1999 all claimed that Labastida would win and Vicente Fox won in 2006 ensured that AMLO would win but he did the current President Felipe Calderón.'s going to secede as well, the PAN will win in 2012. "

That if not dismissed as the candidate for the presidency.

"I believe in deliberative democracy and the understanding of Mexican voters. I do not think you let the image coaxing nor vain, nor the messianic leadership. "

This is the contention of the Secretary of Public Education. I'm not sure yet if there is a candidate who strong showing, at least not as many years before the 2006 elections, I was in high school then and I do not much interested in politics as now. And now I'm interested in going, and that I have 18 years, about to go to University and constantly see and reflect on the reality of my country, my city, more specifically, the DF.

For example everyone remembers the comment Ernesto Cordero, Finance Secretary that $ 6.000 is enough to pay the mortgage credit, a car, the cost of the house and to send children to private school. I think it goes without saying it underestimated the quality of life in Mexico with $ 6000, any of us know otherwise and then declared to be wrong, that was not what I meant and I hope that really made a mistake.

can not be allowed in public office have people unable to pay what they should. Pya Irma Calderón González appoint director of Channel 22 in place of the writer Jorge Volpi to form part of the Embassy of Mexico in Italy. What surprises me is that despite it not being of the ITAM, as they have gone almost all officials appointed by the federal government, she has devoted to official media. She was advising me Lujambio media. This I read in the opinion of the Universal Jorge Zepeda Patterson. Also mentioned that Calderón appointed director of the CFE Antonio Vivanco, Dionisio Perez-Jacome as Secretary of Communications and Transport and Cofepris (Federal Commission for Protection Against Health Risks) Mike Arriola. All are recent moves by Calderón and all are economists at the ITAM, indeed Lujambio study social sciences at the ITAM.

will be very good economists, business-minded school but there are people prepared for these positions. Instead of putting in these positions to engineers, doctors, chemists, biologists, artists etc ... who really know the landscape of these posts, Calderón would rather have young and loyal (mostly fair) course PAN 2012.

The federal government is not alone in doing this, how many governors, delegation chiefs, mayors and others prefer to put their buddies, relatives or people you trust "in public office? Is it to better serve the nation? jajajaja whether or not.

Increasingly more is about the 2012 presidential race and beside me, an estimated 20 million young people will vote for the first time. The sad thing is that many are worth Reverend cucumber. We'll see what happens when you define the candidates for president. I think it will be like past 2009 election of deputies. Beautiful campaigns more than proposed defame opponents and only fight over the bone. I will continue thinking what to do with my vote for 2012. I'll decide if I give it the best candidate or better to abstain and cross all the ballot.


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