Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Save Game In Gb4iphone

black cat white cat

Life goes on. In spite of ourselves.

we doomed to success.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Congrats For Baby Shower

I will not say "I hope to be wrong" or other faggotry on. What is coming is worse. Raising

that there is a fight between hawks and doves is not understanding how she understood the power Kirchner and not realize that the two, the tandem was her extremist. Kirchner bridle, gave organicity. He even said the discussion about the level of virulence and the point reached with the children of Noble Herrera, which Nestor claimed he "minimum code" that she would not have manifested. Unfortunately

(what is) best thing that could happen is that the group MOP (Organic Mature Peronist) take control of the government of President: De Vido, Anibal Fernandez, the Chinese Zannini, Oscar Parrilli , unpresentable others, now appear (paradoxically) the best fit. Seems to return Alberto Fernández , but we must remember that it was her and not cast him. The same with the former Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana , old Peronist, who ate eight years imprisoned from 76 to 82 and that he was treated as a traitor by Cris and not by the Nestor.

Would these take what moderation, the possibility of dialogue, integration and search of good governance which we all aspire to the factors of real power in Argentina , entrepreneurs, producers, exporters, trade unions, governors, mayors and the National Congress.

In contrast we have those of transvestites ladriprogresistas: Timerman, Mariano Recalde, Amado Boudou (already ballot), Juan Manuel Abal Medina, Juan Cabandié, Randazzo little clock, people with no structure, no membership, no identity organic.

Everyone handles pain as possible. But the best and most
is healthy for all the pain is treated as pain

know that Chris is in love with those who gild the pill and chistesitos celebrated its grimaces. It is believed his own lie of liberalism that allowed them to have the cute quiet while they were engaged in doing business. The only one who appears as a serious voice and balancing of their protégés could be the ambassador of Spain , another pest Plata, Carlos Bettini .

Because make no mistake with the sad image of a woman heading for the pain, sitting beside the coffin of her husband and lifelong companion. She remains Cristina. The Cristina we know. Now without the brake Peronist partner. Since the governor

Gioja drives all governors meeting. And some of the Federal Peronism start talking so low "Unity of Peronism" . A graceful exit, a kind of Plan C , which replaces the force to bring Plan B to Daniel Scioli pledge of unity and the guarantee of victory, when you drop the tab to Nestor that he and Cristina arrived.

The monster is reinvented with the help of the dissidents of Peronism. Is that they are too fat, too much cholesterol and too rich. It's more what they have to lose than win.

On Tuesday night, hours before his death, Kirchner ordered to empty the PJ of the province, Moyano left him alone in the streets 54 offices in La Plata . The mailto of puteadas say the former trucker was the last he heard before going on tour and looking in the cold greeting from the widow of former trucker a political message may not be able to sustain. But everything is possible in this country so literary, so scenic.

Moyano is more likely to end in
Cana received a doctorate from the Complutense Univesidad
or become the widow of Lopez Rega

chori That we do not cover the forest. Farewell Nestor Kirchner has been felt by millions of people, which were and those who were working or watching it on TV with tears in his eyes. Minimize pain and confusion because it seems that nobody Square is mistaken to him to vizcachazo. What is certain is that the type of funeral they prepared, to my taste was not the best. Would have gotten him a million people in the capital, all together, to send a direct message to Hugo Moyano and 100 thousand River.

The transmission has been the style and Canal Pakapaka Meeting: The official camera stops on a lame, a former soldier, a toothless, kids from the UBA a Madre de Plaza de Mayo , Flor Peña , Boca Andreita, Oscar Fanego and Victor Laplace (think the latter are considered "intellectual and cultural personalities.")

Diego Maradona said, harder to pack grass, that Nestor had a lot of Che Guevara (Will had bought with nominees also the Museum of Córdoba ?) Was maximum. To think that we still can not erase from our retinas Merson style of Menem, with Liz Fassi Lavalle, Maria Julia, Fat Gostanian, shirts Versace , pizza with champagne, but this herd of unpresentable are not left behind Deducting

Grenadiers, behind Nestor was blank at times no less than $ 300 million pesos. In negrete the figure was down from $ 2 billion dollars. Floppy Randazzo flared and left the little clock of 20 thousand Euros at home. It is good that we are all fellow Peronist but was full of the place. Prevention is better than cure.

and his entourage of 200 people. His daughter ran off to mourn (that beautiful family of liars). The Bolivarian Hugo brought a height of 20 meters, in military dress. Until last night was not known if it was the mascot of the group or the gift brought Cris. Also speculated that Hugo Chavez out of the room would be necessary to throw tear gas, but then left alone.

Piñera has nailed laughter (bastard has operated. He's serious and laughs). The serene and fair words of the Uruguayan president. The Cheyenne the Nac & Latin American Pop Correa calling to follow up the victory (?). When Evo Morales who were serving coffee. The most bizarre

according @ Lupertus , is that moment the sorry parade of people became an Akira Kurosawa film . Cries of samurais. But without honor. Claiming revenge (?), Promising to fight (?). I'll take the gemidito of Luis D'Elia and the respectful silence of those who already are missing.

And what about the Song "against Julio Cobos. Cobos, a traitor to his party of which he was governor when intregró the formula, which was chosen by them, voted for them (you did vice, not us, we do not vote), that "betrayed" and still can not digest the frog.

gnocchi of ladriprogesismo concerned about their continued contractual
show that you can always drag a little more

As I mentioned several times. It does not matter that I have made Nestor Menem, it scares me to think that I will Kirchner.

please. If not take it personally against us. As he wrote yesterday in a comment Hegelian , not kill us, At most they killed you who have not cared .

And on the sidewalk, we who see it happen, with your ass with both hands.
We are reading out there.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Grecian Makeup

This country is finished literary toured

Joaquin Morales Sola in the Nation today. "Five days before his death in late night on Friday, its history and more efficient pollster called desperate filokirchnerista an important leader. had just completed a national survey (field work was done before Mariano Ferreyra crime) and he had made a year: doubled the score intention of Kirchner within Buenos Aires, the capital, Santa Fe and Cordoba. Even with so much fantasy, the result did not exceed one third of the national vote that Kirchner took in the 2009 elections . "It is finished" concluded the interviewer. Is there any possibility to change the course of things?, Found out the speaker. "No, brother. This is done " repeated the well-known analyst.


I say me and a train passes, which today publishes Morales Solá (here) and is an earthquake. Get out to shit.

I've been saying since last December and nothing. I posted on Monday this week and I putearon in 40 colors. Ungrateful.

"Fantasy 40 +1 (percent plus one vote to win without runoff) begins to deflate it and its creators already have the conviction to defend it, begins
choripán Operation Enduring . On national data interviewed those who voted in 2009 and shows that certain or very likely to go to vote in the presidential elections (70 percent of the general standard), 25 percent say will do it for one of the two possible candidates kirchnerismo (14% Cristina, 11.9% Nestor. The other polls, I regret to inform you, are liars.

25 percent of those voting is 32 percent of the votes positive. almost 10 points below the 40 +1 sleep. In other words, are today as they were on the night of June 2009 when they lost by two dots of shit in Buenos Aires . "

talk and gossip that left Néstor all strands of the pumps on and took the club to an island in Micronesia. But according to my sources already in hell assembling the internal making them all hate each blade to fit in without the fuck. Ojo, that's what they told me I do not know, need to be checked.

update in a while.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Danger Of Rinsing Sinuses With Salt Water

of personal misfortune not laugh, it amuses us. We loved him in jail, not dead. But Nestor as a good rebel, he went on tour just the day of the 2010 Census. As I told a friend, Nestor got his way: He was not willing to walk the poskirchnerismo.

Kirchner leaves a huge gap between the government and the opposition, but mostly in a country that had become accustomed to it. We wonder Kirchner How will we live without? It will not be easy to break the logic of hate and subjugation. Seven years trying to buy, domesticate, crush. Subsidized country, the Mersad maintained in poverty and ignorance. Corruption. Of considering that while monkeys to throw us peanuts we should be happy.

not think the opposition is up to the country's next (and what came before this news). But it is what it is.

whoring Those who come for seven years, in all colors, languages \u200b\u200band grammar turns possible have the opportunity to demonstrate our humanity and respect for the suffering of millions of compatriots.

to go through with and not yield to the temptation to continue to generate more hatred among Argentines, That we left it all comes together or not anyone.

're at it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Does Benzonatate Get Rid Of Cough Fast

The moment you

The boy's death Ferreyra has given birth to a new country. Like it or not accept it. We exploded in his face at all. Now we can or not the depth dimension of the impact beyond the personal tragedy of the boy and left crying among his family, friends and members of his group.

I think that little by little it will break the logic that we have tried to get into his head. If you are against the government, you're with Magnetto. If you are against union bureaucracy you're for or Duhalde De Narvaez, and so on endlessly. Therein lies the cultural victory of Kirchner who has now lost consistency. The acceptance by thousands of whether repealed the laws of impunity Alfonsin and Menem challenge corruption scandal puts us side Videla.

But we know that is a fallacy. Cristina gloating over a shirt of the Youth Association , heir to Tacuara with the CNU and other bands of outlaws pursued, killed or betrayed Peronist militants in the 70's, should make noise. But nothing happens.

I been exchanging ideas with the great Manolo of Intellectual Dishonesty, and the first at which the arrival is that Peronism was never cross. By history, identity and comfort have always been frontage. In an electoral front we can get together with everyone, with the Conservatives, with the national left, with the Christian Democrats, the developers and anyone who has two votes and agree on a minimum program.

But what it had eaten the head of the cross feints progressive? Especially when the progress is essential borreguismo . From there we've been experiencing this, have a long way and much toad swallowed. Many transvestites cross country contratera dictating the policy, marked with the magic wand, calling opponents of fascists, lopezreguistas, clarinet and other samples of his limited intellectual capacity and comes to an end.

As warmly here also raises Artemio López, how could they give to themselves as the "official shit" ( I wrote something about them here ) when Peronist. Official fuck are these crossmembers considered oxymoron Peronist left, not you. Or longer generates pride Peronist called?

There is the case of Dante Foresi, an official who spread mouse operation on the meeting between Duhalde and Pedraza in social networks and ended in 678. The obscenities that transpired in Nestor to Icazuriaga on Friday on newsprint Foresi shows that not only guys like get rich together in the official advertising guidelines TELAM like this monster, to its site and unpresentable berretón Internet, but Cobra SIDE and he is operating it. I

bank for three years for these through NEOKER, which put them out the window, pure anti-Peronist, half of them tamed to psychotic contratazos, puteándome, threatening, sending me photos of my children taken from their Facebooks, calling my office. Only to write what I think and laugh a little crap. As have tight Present Story between Peronist antik other bloggers. Gnocchi SIDE sunrise.

understand that? SIDE, the most impressive machine intelligence, repression and manipulation Garpa all ostensibly to guard against terrorism, drug trafficking, to anticipate scenarios based on the commotion inside, to prevent foreign espionage. Highly dangerous because of an underdeveloped country like ours and included marginal beings. SIDE, which killed fellow yesterday, armed operations, finances today.

means? Someday I will stop and think? Those who took and did not reply to Jorge Julio López , which took Putod , who put together the brown sugar Gerez bricklayer. The one who listens to the opponents and their own seals applauding wildly occurrences Cristina in their actions.

Left to its own analysis also how they could bury their muzzles to the thought police Nac & Pop, they killed many capacity criticism, contempt, insolence characteristic of Peronism (the one that was able to scream in the face of Peron which was full of gorillas and the people's government today minimizes photo Boudou bully, but does not question that UCEDA kid's , babble the Peronist march and shit are laughing in the face while playing the guitar a little theme of Piero ).

Fantasy 40 +1 (percent plus one vote to win without runoff) begins to deflate it and its creators already have the conviction to defend it, begins choripán Operation Enduring . About national data, interviewed those who voted in 2009 and declare that certain or very likely to go to vote in the presidential elections (70 percent of the general standard), 25 percent say they will do it for the one of the two possible candidates kirchnerismo (14% Cristina, 11.9% Nestor. The other polls, I regret to inform you, are liars.

25 percent of those voting is 32 percent of positive votes. Almost 10 points behind the dream of 40 +1. ie today are as they were on the night of June 2009 when they lost by two dots of shit in Buenos Aires .

My humble recommendation for the removal and that it does not become in disarray, do not succumb to parochial operations of the SIDE, which is organized from the perspective of guys who come in the Patagonian desert, spending half his life locked in their homes, their horizon is four meters. And the only thing I think is to raise money to take the stick.

type mentality is that isolated by the weather, of the gifts in wood, gas, food and subsistence work, which governs us. People who read the newspaper at two in the afternoon when reached by plane. Eternals provided by the central government, sucking the earth what is dripping from the oil wells. Convinced that everyone has a price: He who would avoid die of cold in the Patagonian steppe.

now horrified by the publication of photos of the thuggish of the Railway Union with national ministers (although it is unclear if the murderer of the missing boy Ferreyra and other other weapon that left a woman in coma 64).

But certainly if there was a picture of it with goose Duhalde, the catch Cabezón and be with nationally and internationally. So, to go through with. Because like it or not Duhalde's Peronist. And I'm not trying to duhaldista come because those who know me know that I always opposed and suffered its management in the province (where was suffering from job loss and gain ostracism, not that you're not invited to a cocktail progressive). Last night
, the governor of Salta , announced ahead of provincial elections in April 2011. In the province of Buenos Aires to join will not be collecting votes Kirchner. Urtubey is the first of a few who are not willing to, as the mayor said Hugo Curto of Tres de Febrero , "slain by Kirchner, who defined it as" Jesus Christ the reverse. While he was willing to sacrifice for our salvation, Nestor wants us to sacrifice ourselves to save it.

Y My last recommendation: Test the taking Cristina . When the boy was still warm Ferreyra in the morgue she joked about the size of strawberries .

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Get Forgiveness From A Friend

Three weeks later ... still no mayor.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Solutions Manual Hull 6th Edition

Who killed Rosendo? Road to 2010 Census

black workers are hired by a firm of José Pedraza, the head of the Railway Union (UF) , for work at a company and more subsidized virtually nationalized the Cristina Leadership Blog. These poor guys, they work three months, without social, ART and social benefits as the right to get sick. To charge $ 2,400 (compared with $ 7,000 charged by a blank) have a bill monotributistas .

has one that while workers in white UF had to move five rails per team of 10 people, a dozen monotributistas were required to lift up to 30, and grounds for dismissal not meet the target. The outsourcing companies are endorsed and authorized to operate by the Ministry of Transportation and watchdog railway concessions.

band are so in the unique life that give them the ball are Workers Party. Causes With stops at the Labor forum, where all judges and officials respond to the CGT, they decide to break the balls into tracks Roca, cagarle life to those who return to their homes deep in the suburbs in the South Zone for someone to listen, I make a note of some means.

PO groupings and cooperative marching season Avellaneda. The Trots, they are no longer what they were in the times of trains crossing the Russian armored white in the 20's, go with the kids with snot hanging, old nylon bag with some hobos carried by smoke chori of the Fourth International and some students of the Union of Socialist Youth .

station in a group of workers who do not stone them to cut the roads, in view of the National Gendarmerie, which to put a little groove the shit with sticks and rubber bullets. The boys retire to march to Capital, the Ministry of Labour. The Buenos Aires police leads to the Old Bridge Pueyrredón and there is the Armada Brancaleone until two hours later, the Federal Police makes them a trap for the Barrabrava Racing Club the run and shit to shots.

Ferreyra The kid who made up the spine, barely 23 years, stays with his friends doing the endurance for the viejerío, women and kids can retire. There he hit the shot the strikebreakers who always, always working for companies, to look after their employers handle. The boy

Ferreyra Mariano, son of a colleague of mine of Technical Teachers of Avellaneda was killed by corruption, collusion between enforcement agencies; the Buenos Aires and Federal police and the Gendarmerie rabid dogs Kirchner, very similar to De la Rua . He was killed by the absence of the state, which is removed so that their union friends will get richer and does not break balls.
That leaves the users and citizens. The jerks that we were stuck in highways, streets, the subways and on the platforms of train stations. Abandons its role of arbiter, embraces Moyano union business and bureaucracy, those who buy soy fields and dispense medicines to their fellow members phony.

is rare splash want Duhalde is more oiled gulls that the Persian Gulf, especially when you consider that Pedraza and Moyano, regardless of where they are located in internal union doing business covered by the complicity of the Conservative government.

"The logic of the skulls of 678 how to explain this photo of the 5th day ago
of which are looking to "authors intectuales?

But then again, in the midst of this disaster and tragedy, with joy I see that the blogosphere's Peronist K, not careerists choripanera mainstreaming transvestites have taken with caution, pain and critical situation. The other, fans of 678, covers the pay of the SIDE , waging a new battle while flicking through the Page 12 , trying to figure out who killed Rosendo ( "shell as conservatives, fajaron radicals, communists expelled him, tortured him liberators and then it massacred those who say Peronist. " Walsh ) .

A death to fart more. Very sad.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Clean Soul Silver Rom English

While we are still trying to convince the two pizzerias that we sponsor to accompany this production effort, and have everything ready for the 2010 Census Day. TodosGronchos under the rule of the Media Law, instantly transmit the civic alternative.

We have correspondents in major cities and settlements in the country. You know the first to know when an African-American census, when you rape a schoolteacher in Fiorito and the precise moment when Nestor in shorts and a T-shirt Libonati old 95 - For a Better San Martín, opens the door to the census taker Olivos.

Manolo Quindimil surveyed wanted you
you going to disappoint him again like in 2007?

And those who oppose anti-Argentine know how many we are, how and what the hell we live, we say: If you want to contest, go to the polls fucking manga. Or do you think that the K is going to go because the 27 does not meet the door? And

for those who are afraid of being assaulted. Remember that enumerators are teachers who are hungrier than a hobo. The problem is not that you take the LCD but you attack the refrigerator.
The kids are like bats come out at night. By day they sleep. So up the hearts and participate faithfully. That there will be time for them @ GuiyoMoreno change the data.

The president of the Escuela Argentina de Sandros
also going to take a census. Just missing you.

In an unprecedented effort for national journalism, we beat hands with Luis Majul and we managed to get a copy of the questions that artfully used to try kirchnerismo manipulate their results. Carefully prepared answers because this is what our life.

you think the state should:
1) Enhancing Education 2) Giving more Netbooks 3) Gift sandwiches

You aims to:
1) Minimize the environmental impact 2) The World Peace 3) The National Unit 4) A

The problem with this country began with:
1) Perón 2) Alfonsín 3) Menem 4) Pedro de Mendoza 5) The Cro-Magnon man

you prefer wins:
1) Nestor 2) Alfonsín 3) Duhalde 5) That hit by a truck before 2011

The president should advance:

1) Election 2) The Tercentenary 3) The Aguinaldo

At home you have:
1) TV 2) Water 3) Floor material 4) Hunger

Commitment. The trout Maradona Boca
warned that suspended the photo shoots until you pass the censor.

The problem in this country are:
1) White skin 2) White Soul 3) Black Leather 4) Black Soul 5) All

You are in favor of:
1 ) Media Law 2) Allocation per child 3) She can go from Dancing Ricardo Fort

You are against:
1) media monopolies 2) The sunrise soy 3) The Sweet
fattening milk
you want:
1) To return the Loon 2) To return Halloween 3) To return the Carlos

A teenage State:
1) sex education should dictate 2) sew the ring wire pork butcher

A state teachers should:
1) satisfy itself wage and training 2) A kilo ball back a month

rights of young people should ensure
1) Education to university 2) Gorrita, cellular and small motorcycle

Large families of the country is committed to Cristina to stop
childbearing until the teacher has been removed from the home

The country should invest more in:
1) Education 2) Health 3) Better cameras Football for All

The fact that Kirchner is:
1) A disgrace with fortune 2) the price of living in breadbasket of the world

If I could choose and repopulate the country, you would choose:
1) black 2) fucking 3) Peronist 9) Ns / Nc

The president said to be a lawyer, you :
1) you suck an egg / ovary 2) sucks the two eggs / ovaries

You are the slab or just eats it?
1) I am the ballast 2) I devoured her 3) The above two options

This country is arranged:
1) redistributing wealth 2) No breaking balls 3) killing all

The Rikitas join the national epic of
organize something and go more or less well cover

So, the minute the 2007 elections and everyday Case Pomar.
Are you going to get out of it?

While 2000 was not found us not united or dominated, but by buying fireworks and cider, which we hold the 2010 Census raised and his face washed.

not forget that during the 2001 Census we cleaned the ass with newspaper and recently we discovered the second stage, the Patacón , the Lecop and eat with us was an option to consider.

these pat-Up! We said goodbye to this little theme Camilo Sesto breaking the rafts (?) At the time of Census 80.

To succeed, you succeed, you succeed!!

on my heart I embrace

Monday, October 18, 2010

Places To Get Waxed In Santa Barbara

The 40 Unions

Sunday was a day Peronist. Ripped cute, sunny and all was joy. Then shit just is clouded and almost raining. To continue celebrating the October 17th issue I leave the Loyalty Day with The 40 Unions. The little songs that Perón be humming from Heaven.

The smoke from the grills that never went out when he left the Pocho today has emerged as a skateboard down a skater who once dreamed a country without inequality.

"No choripán throw the thread there's the number for the drawing"

The original audio is Green Wave
Thanks to @ mate cause National

warm greetings also go to fellow Villa La Rana County Villa Ballester, put it this Spring-stack Bicentennial summer.

I reserve fotolog address from being walled ranero friends.

Miseram servitutem vocant false valerian (Call falsely being a miserable bondage.) Cornelius Tacitus

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Salmon Croquettes No Eggs

Incompetent "The Sniper" no more on Channel 2

Frecuencia Latina reported that, by agreement, with Jaime Bayly decided to resolve the contractual relationship. In a brief statement, Channel 2 confirmed the news and thanked "Bayly and his collaborators professional services rendered in the last 5 years and wished them every success in his future endeavors."

Friday, October 15, 2010

Are Glycol Bad For You

The Lion herbivore

37 years ago, on October 12, 1973, Juan Domingo Peron assumed its third president. For me, best of all time Perón. The National Unity of . The Lion herbivore, which had been emaciated, skin, without hatred or revenge in fulfilling the dream of millions of Argentines.

This video contains some of his speech at the National Congress and is accompanied with images of that day of general joy after 18 years of waiting. From the minute and a half is a film that moves me every time I see her. The trip from Olivos Perón to Government House when people poured into the streets to greet him as he passed my way to work.

The story is one, but each reconstructed it as you can and want. I'll stick with that friendly smile, serenity, strategic vision, knowing what should be done and especially his humor.

Then, of course, we were in Argentina and the good could not last.

When lowering the froth of the miners, the veto of 82% minimum and mobile, the act of asking Moyano Kirchner the impunity and more money, will be reinstalled the infeasibility of the nomination of Nestor or Cristina reelection . Saving candidacy emerge Daniel Scioli, even some doodles of Federal Peronism or dissenting to be seduced by this pigeon Kirchner.

The joy is still Peronist
(and vote for us until the Martians)

The Baldwin is conservatism with WiFi.
The sciolismo is kirchnerismo with Pimpinela Susana Gimenez background and drunken dancing.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fatigue, Sugar In Urine, Tingling


From our special correspondent. After the initial excitement we conclude that the recovery will be longer than Kirchner's election.

However we are experiencing one of those moments that unite us with the rest of humanity. As those who watched it live the first man on the moon. Or the seven goals of Click who ate Classic Gymnastics in 2006.

Could it have been so exasperating the man on the moon? That fall, no. That is fucked Ammstrong. You are adjusting the diving. It takes a moment to consider the sentence. Already low. Can not find the flag. Motherfuckers! Yet none had been brought to the issue and did not allow for more.

CONICET Chilean capsule studies and concludes that the
here could have done with two drums choripaneros.

global events for the Yankees there is nothing to them. The Twin Towers fell in 45 minutes. No returns. That is stage management. The Chileans. Break the ball to safety, or look American.

Piñera is ortho. Admit it. To unite the country, not the balls will swell and generate contracts for work (the dream of De Vido) linked an earthquake. When everything started to settle down, they are trapped
As we were lucky. If you happen here, until 2045 would be talking about whether or not that Florence K off for reelection.

Under the Statesman is a woman feels. Cris
tested clothes to visit the miners

Towards the 22 comes the first rescuer. Cristina explains that promised to visit them. Tension. Nerves. Some cry. Others try desperately to sabotage the capsule. In the end everything returns to normal exchange mail and Facebooks, Bolivian asked not to cut the wave and begins the epic.

When the first goes up, the miners were sworn in "we males, males will leave. What happened in the mine is in the mine. Ávalos up.

Insensitive. Santiago Montoya, with his Santa Claus
ask Avalos Monotributo record.

1,300 million viewers. Cristina on the verge of pulling the extensions with the toes. To calm her, in an action desperate win against rights, offered to 33 gnocchi Campora of PAMI to get into a cesspool in Gonzalez Catan. Reject the proposal risky.

Avalos has been released. Curita Pinochet, the elbows, to be seized camera Piñera. Carabineros Fajana it and send it to the mine in a thong. For the smoke coming from the hole, some believe that the miners are making a farewell barbecue. Avalos

wave is less straight hair. Throughout the second bet. When the first reports of the minute, Piñera calls to slow the operation. Below, between the harm they are cornered with so much press and plunger, exasperated small group of miners are violated the rescuer, order pizza, two drinks and Chronicle TV.

misplaced. Cristina jealous tweet than
use sunglasses at night are garcas. Sepúlveda
question Pelufo disoriented. Piñera

embraces the first wife and his little child, crying Ábalos Bairon excited. Miracle! Avalos out of the capsule. It embraces all and denies that it is a miracle of God. "Miracle is that River Plate play nice and win in one game, ruling.
the second and saw a sad spectacle. The miner's Sepúlveda badly affected for 70 days without putting it. Think out of the Big Brother house. Jumps like crazy, greets the audience and ask to speak with Solita Silveyra.

Bairon Avalos your tears are in our hearts.
But if you come to Argentina, do not you dare ask for coins
lights because we clean.

Moved by the rescue and the rise in popularity the president smokes a helmet and two jackets. He sticks to the side of numerology and says in front of the biggest audience since the 2006 final that the Cup 10 October 13, sum 33, as miners. All is confusion. Or the wife of Piñera was with the maid or is embraced by the wife of a miner.

exploit social networks. The cute NEOKER putea against the leadership of the Chilean right. Paradoxical. Those who complain about the camera stealing Piñera are those who were proud of the bitch dancing in the Nueve de Julio and emphasized their sensuality (?). Those touched by the papier-mache floats Bicentennial and wildly applauded a mine disguised as a winch hanging Republic, criticized the Chilean government populism.

unbelievers claim that the images are mine
a police station in Remedios de Escalada
taken a note Police in Action

Two in the morning. Confirm that the rating as they throw down a rope to fend for themselves. Fuck them, who would think to spend 60 days in a mine? Those who doubt the man on the moon developed a new theory. The camera does not transfer from the depths of the mine. It's a hidden camera in a police lock-ups suburbs. They

ortho Chileans, we will not deny. Will be a million dollar reward and spent over two months without seeing the woman and the children. The company that was broken into holes accidentally found two veins of gold and tin. Top the film makes two pesos to 50. Two rooms in Los Angeles, a drum and 33 Mexican extras.

are in every detail. Engineers
Piñera explains where to escape if there is Cristina

Governor Daniel Scioli, after meeting with the Pimpernel, Nacha Guevara and Mirta Legrand, adds to the general joy, but remember that "these 70 days have been very hard for all, with the Buenos Aires-Pomar aggregate to be found in only 24 days with no fuss ( Click here to go day by day chronicle of Pomar ).

How ugly. "That Mamani the nursing follow " say Chileans. After reviewing the hospital to Bolivian miner put it to tend the camp 4x4. Evo is the idiot and pulls off, for now.

The pucha we are excited about the Chilean brothers. Cristina Tirate a holiday on Friday in honor and we tranqui Census day.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Long Recover From Pleurisy


If anything official investment in the K pack breaking balls by Social Networks is that many are tired of receiving aggression, comments, complaints and opt for virtual tight moderate his speech. Not because I get scared, but because that technique is to tire the opponent. As a bally in these districts for the purpose of having a good time, there comes a time that limits itself to precisely fun.

Cristina Ya do not know what to say, three years ago swearing that come in the Blog (invite new readers and misled open the drop-down menu that says I do not regret anything in the sidebar) . Because I can not even funny. Whenever

on Twitter ( @ TodosGronchos ) write the dog, there are some monkeys jumping to, in every way possible, to make me quit. I run to left, right, respect towards women by good taste, etc. But here I claim the right to call it as I sing the sunrise. In my case the dog, the term mare, I know, not the dimensions.

But back to the core, the dog was on tour in Germany , insisted on his fantasy that he was politically persecuted during the years of military dictatorship. Perhaps he thought that was far as we were not going to find out. Maybe because I still do not understand what the Internet and underestimates the fact that many people to fart and some read in German. Retracted. He said he had not said what he said. That was misinterpreted.

are now like crazy with their messages on Twitter. As if she wrote. The dog is a digital illiterate, over a knob is not close and has four-inch nail tips. So I guess by typing in the BlackBerry or notebook. When he was senator for three years old, boasted of not knowing and entering the Explorer and cleared the entire world not to send him e-mails. Do not write a SMS or to their children.

That's why the emails that intercepts the SIDE of friends and enemies to get printed in folders that sit-lee in nightgown in bed until 11 am.

Anything you say, promise, write, advertise, yell or whisper, I goes in one ear and out the other me. But I give this video of Italian TV and pictures of the joint conference with Merkel to illustrate these lines. Believe or bust.
Arrivederci, aufidersen. In a short.