From our special correspondent. After the initial excitement we conclude that the recovery will be longer than Kirchner's election.
However we are experiencing one of those moments that unite us with the rest of humanity. As those who watched it live the first man on the moon. Or the seven goals of Click who ate Classic Gymnastics in 2006.
Could it have been so exasperating the man on the moon? That fall, no. That is fucked Ammstrong. You are adjusting the diving. It takes a moment to consider the sentence. Already low. Can not find the flag. Motherfuckers! Yet none had been brought to the issue and did not allow for more.
CONICET Chilean capsule studies and concludes that the
here could have done with two drums choripaneros.
global events for the Yankees there is nothing to them. The Twin Towers fell in 45 minutes. No returns. That is stage management. The Chileans. Break the ball to safety, or look American. here could have done with two drums choripaneros.
Piñera is ortho. Admit it. To unite the country, not the balls will swell and generate contracts for work (the dream of De Vido) linked an earthquake. When everything started to settle down, they are trapped
As we were lucky. If you happen here, until 2045 would be talking about whether or not that Florence K off for reelection.
Towards the 22 comes the first rescuer. Cristina explains that promised to visit them. Tension. Nerves. Some cry. Others try desperately to sabotage the capsule. In the end everything returns to normal exchange mail and Facebooks, Bolivian asked not to cut the wave and begins the epic.
When the first goes up, the miners were sworn in "we males, males will leave. What happened in the mine is in the mine. Ávalos up.
ask Avalos Monotributo record.
1,300 million viewers. Cristina on the verge of pulling the extensions with the toes. To calm her, in an action desperate win against rights, offered to 33 gnocchi Campora of PAMI to get into a cesspool in Gonzalez Catan. Reject the proposal risky.
Avalos has been released. Curita Pinochet, the elbows, to be seized camera Piñera. Carabineros Fajana it and send it to the mine in a thong. For the smoke coming from the hole, some believe that the miners are making a farewell barbecue. Avalos
wave is less straight hair. Throughout the second bet. When the first reports of the minute, Piñera calls to slow the operation. Below, between the harm they are cornered with so much press and plunger, exasperated small group of miners are violated the rescuer, order pizza, two drinks and Chronicle TV.
use sunglasses at night are garcas. Sepúlveda
question Pelufo disoriented. Piñera
question Pelufo disoriented. Piñera
embraces the first wife and his little child, crying Ábalos Bairon excited. Miracle! Avalos out of the capsule. It embraces all and denies that it is a miracle of God. "Miracle is that River Plate play nice and win in one game, ruling.
the second and saw a sad spectacle. The miner's Sepúlveda badly affected for 70 days without putting it. Think out of the Big Brother house. Jumps like crazy, greets the audience and ask to speak with Solita Silveyra.
Bairon Avalos your tears are in our hearts.
But if you come to Argentina, do not you dare ask for coins
lights because we clean.
But if you come to Argentina, do not you dare ask for coins
lights because we clean.
Moved by the rescue and the rise in popularity the president smokes a helmet and two jackets. He sticks to the side of numerology and says in front of the biggest audience since the 2006 final that the Cup 10 October 13, sum 33, as miners. All is confusion. Or the wife of Piñera was with the maid or is embraced by the wife of a miner.
exploit social networks. The cute NEOKER putea against the leadership of the Chilean right. Paradoxical. Those who complain about the camera stealing Piñera are those who were proud of the bitch dancing in the Nueve de Julio and emphasized their sensuality (?). Those touched by the papier-mache floats Bicentennial and wildly applauded a mine disguised as a winch hanging Republic, criticized the Chilean government populism.

a police station in Remedios de Escalada
taken a note Police in Action
Two in the morning. Confirm that the rating as they throw down a rope to fend for themselves. Fuck them, who would think to spend 60 days in a mine? Those who doubt the man on the moon developed a new theory. The camera does not transfer from the depths of the mine. It's a hidden camera in a police lock-ups suburbs. They
ortho Chileans, we will not deny. Will be a million dollar reward and spent over two months without seeing the woman and the children. The company that was broken into holes accidentally found two veins of gold and tin. Top the film makes two pesos to 50. Two rooms in Los Angeles, a drum and 33 Mexican extras.
Governor Daniel Scioli, after meeting with the Pimpernel, Nacha Guevara and Mirta Legrand, adds to the general joy, but remember that "these 70 days have been very hard for all, with the Buenos Aires-Pomar aggregate to be found in only 24 days with no fuss ( Click here to go day by day chronicle of Pomar ).
How ugly. "That Mamani the nursing follow " say Chileans. After reviewing the hospital to Bolivian miner put it to tend the camp 4x4. Evo is the idiot and pulls off, for now.

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