I will not say "I hope to be wrong" or other faggotry on. What is coming is worse. Raising
that there is a fight between hawks and doves is not understanding how she understood the power Kirchner and not realize that the two, the tandem was her extremist. Kirchner bridle, gave organicity. He even said the discussion about the level of virulence and the point reached with the children of Noble Herrera, which Nestor claimed he "minimum code" that she would not have manifested. Unfortunately
(what is) best thing that could happen is that the group MOP (Organic Mature Peronist) take control of the government of President: De Vido, Anibal Fernandez, the Chinese Zannini, Oscar Parrilli , unpresentable others, now appear (paradoxically) the best fit. Seems to return Alberto Fernández , but we must remember that it was her and not cast him. The same with the former Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana , old Peronist, who ate eight years imprisoned from 76 to 82 and that he was treated as a traitor by Cris and not by the Nestor.
Would these take what moderation, the possibility of dialogue, integration and search of good governance which we all aspire to the factors of real power in Argentina , entrepreneurs, producers, exporters, trade unions, governors, mayors and the National Congress.
In contrast we have those of transvestites ladriprogresistas: Timerman, Mariano Recalde, Amado Boudou (already ballot), Juan Manuel Abal Medina, Juan Cabandié, Randazzo little clock, people with no structure, no membership, no identity organic.

is healthy for all the pain is treated as pain
know that Chris is in love with those who gild the pill and chistesitos celebrated its grimaces. It is believed his own lie of liberalism that allowed them to have the cute quiet while they were engaged in doing business. The only one who appears as a serious voice and balancing of their protégés could be the ambassador of Spain , another pest Plata, Carlos Bettini .
Because make no mistake with the sad image of a woman heading for the pain, sitting beside the coffin of her husband and lifelong companion. She remains Cristina. The Cristina we know. Now without the brake Peronist partner. Since the governor
Gioja drives all governors meeting. And some of the Federal Peronism start talking so low "Unity of Peronism" . A graceful exit, a kind of Plan C , which replaces the force to bring Plan B to Daniel Scioli pledge of unity and the guarantee of victory, when you drop the tab to Nestor that he and Cristina arrived.
The monster is reinvented with the help of the dissidents of Peronism. Is that they are too fat, too much cholesterol and too rich. It's more what they have to lose than win.
On Tuesday night, hours before his death, Kirchner ordered to empty the PJ of the province, Moyano left him alone in the streets 54 offices in La Plata . The mailto of Perfil.com puteadas say the former trucker was the last he heard before going on tour and looking in the cold greeting from the widow of former trucker a political message may not be able to sustain. But everything is possible in this country so literary, so scenic.

Cana received a doctorate from the Complutense Univesidad
or become the widow of Lopez Rega
chori That we do not cover the forest. Farewell Nestor Kirchner has been felt by millions of people, which were and those who were working or watching it on TV with tears in his eyes. Minimize pain and confusion because it seems that nobody Square is mistaken to him to vizcachazo. What is certain is that the type of funeral they prepared, to my taste was not the best. Would have gotten him a million people in the capital, all together, to send a direct message to Hugo Moyano and 100 thousand River.
The transmission has been the style and Canal Pakapaka Meeting: The official camera stops on a lame, a former soldier, a toothless, kids from the UBA a Madre de Plaza de Mayo , Flor Peña , Boca Andreita, Oscar Fanego and Victor Laplace (think the latter are considered "intellectual and cultural personalities.")
Diego Maradona said, harder to pack grass, that Nestor had a lot of Che Guevara (Will had bought with nominees also the Museum of Córdoba ?) Was maximum. To think that we still can not erase from our retinas Merson style of Menem, with Liz Fassi Lavalle, Maria Julia, Fat Gostanian, shirts Versace , pizza with champagne, but this herd of unpresentable are not left behind Deducting
Grenadiers, behind Nestor was blank at times no less than $ 300 million pesos. In negrete the figure was down from $ 2 billion dollars. Floppy Randazzo flared and left the little clock of 20 thousand Euros at home. It is good that we are all fellow Peronist but was full of the place. Prevention is better than cure.

and his entourage of 200 people. His daughter ran off to mourn (that beautiful family of liars). The Bolivarian Hugo brought a height of 20 meters, in military dress. Until last night was not known if it was the mascot of the group or the gift brought Cris. Also speculated that Hugo Chavez out of the room would be necessary to throw tear gas, but then left alone.
Piñera has nailed laughter (bastard has operated. He's serious and laughs). The serene and fair words of the Uruguayan president. The Cheyenne the Nac & Latin American Pop Correa calling to follow up the victory (?). When Evo Morales who were serving coffee. The most bizarre
according @ Lupertus , is that moment the sorry parade of people became an Akira Kurosawa film . Cries of samurais. But without honor. Claiming revenge (?), Promising to fight (?). I'll take the gemidito of Luis D'Elia and the respectful silence of those who already are missing.
And what about the Song "against Julio Cobos. Cobos, a traitor to his party of which he was governor when intregró the formula, which was chosen by them, voted for them (you did vice, not us, we do not vote), that "betrayed" and still can not digest the frog.

show that you can always drag a little more

And on the sidewalk, we who see it happen, with your ass with both hands.
We are reading out there.
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