of personal misfortune not laugh, it amuses us. We loved him in jail, not dead. But Nestor as a good rebel, he went on tour just the day of the 2010 Census. As I told a friend, Nestor got his way: He was not willing to walk the poskirchnerismo.

Kirchner leaves a huge gap between the government and the opposition, but mostly in a country that had become accustomed to it. We wonder Kirchner How will we live without? It will not be easy to break the logic of hate and subjugation. Seven years trying to buy, domesticate, crush. Subsidized country, the Mersad maintained in poverty and ignorance. Corruption. Of considering that while monkeys to throw us peanuts we should be happy.
not think the opposition is up to the country's next (and what came before this news). But it is what it is.
whoring Those who come for seven years, in all colors, languages \u200b\u200band grammar turns possible have the opportunity to demonstrate our humanity and respect for the suffering of millions of compatriots.
to go through with and not yield to the temptation to continue to generate more hatred among Argentines, That we left it all comes together or not anyone.
're at it.
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