occasion of the Bicentennial of Mexican Independence and the centenary of the Mexican Revolution in 2008, the Bank of Mexico decided to make a collection in the currencies of $ 5.00 by launching an edition of these different characters that were significant in any of these milestones in the History of Mexico (although the coins began circulating in 2009). In total there were 18 characters of the Revolution and Independence 19. But it turns out today I said a teacher who read an article in "El Universal" on Sunday March 13, 2011 said that this collection in the future could be valuable but there is already a currency that is being sold in more than $ 200.00 ! It turns out that the currency of Francisco Primo de Verdad y Ramos was an error in its coinage because it lacks "two points" that are located in the front of the coin on the boundary, separating the legend, as the case "Bicentennial Independence "or" Centennial of the Revolution " the phrase "Mexico 2010" as shown in the image below:

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