The controversy erupted this past week the film premiered on February 18, becomes more complicated.
This film tells the story of a young man who is sentenced to 20 years in prison for murder without sufficient evidence and conclusive. He never met the person killed.
Does that sound weird? Unfortunately not. Of all corruption, "black hands" and "under water" every day that passes in Mexican prisons and especially in so corrupt and hypocritical the Mexican judicial system is just a small sample.
If you have experienced the direct or indirectly (through a friend or family member) about being in a prison or a public prosecutor will know what I mean. One click and cruel reality. This movie I have understood, it is planned to be or is being exhibited in prisons and jails. Well this movie
has had good response from the public but what is striking about the suspension of the commercial exhibition of film because Twelfth District Judge in Administrative Matters in the Federal District, White Wolf Domínguez granted by the an injunction against the RTC ( Directorate General of Radio Television and Film)
This was yesterday, look This working paper El Financiero newspaper today: http://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/index.php/sociedad/15493
The Interior Ministry says the judge has no power to prohibit the display.
the NHRC says there is no reason to censor it.
"There should not be allowed censorship. The film tells true facts and my government is going to challenge that decision." This is Marcelo Ebrard said on his twitter.
to José Narro, Rector of the UNAM said José Narro Robles felt that "anything that diminishes the freedom of speech is an attack on freedom"
Victor Daniel Reyes Bravo, is the person who requested the protection for "moral damage, invades your privacy" as it appears in the film without their consent. Ovbio
truth and someone that does not like the film has been screened and seeks to remove. Surely people who had to do with the case in question and do not want their dirty laundry out in the sun.
minutes ago heard the news that 11 this month, the judge will decide whether its decision is final or not. This is from El Universal:
Twelfth District Judge in Administrative Matters in the Federal District, White Wolf Domínguez said that the documentary Presumed Guilty "was not censored, and advised to maintain the display of the tape could mean the perpetuation of injury to the plaintiff's rights. The
his justice argued that this is a case of possible conflict of rights. "
What I can see is that thanks to this promotion has generated more film and more people will see it. Cinépolis ensures that continue to show (I think because now I should be more than before). Hopefully get to change this reality of the Mexican Judicial System click, why do I express it so? An example: My professor of law at the high school 9, Carbajal, told me why he left to practice directly their profession and teaches best. I was tired of all this world of impunity and corruption.
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