This time I write to recommend a great documentary called "Visa to Paradise" is a tribute to the great work done by Don Gilberto Bosques as Consul of Mexico in France to make Francisco Franco to power in Spain and the beginning of World War II. In my life I had heard the name of Gilberto Bosques Saldivar but it's certainly a great hero who saved thousands of lives of people persecuted by Fascism in Europe (both Jews as communists). It's amazing the work of this character who risked his life many times in order to save others and prevent injustice. The documentary is very well done as it is not narrated as is commonly done, but to be inserting the research and opinions of historians (in his own voice), with testimonials from people who were children at the time or whose grandparents or parents were helped by Don Gilberto and now live in Mexico (Paradise after living in the war and concentration camps), and the words of the Gilberto Bosques (taken from interviews conducted in 1992). I highly recommend you watch this documentary, as is common in our country that the good is not widespread, it is only displayed on the Cinematheque National to the March 27 17:15 and 20:45 in office. (I highly recommend arriving early because it comes in a small room and seats are going fast). It is incredible that streets and avenues in our city are named after people like Michael German and there is no one single street or monument bearing the name of Gilberto Bosques being that it was a great politician and a great human being and I'm sure if see this documentary will find it a hero into oblivion.

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